Aah ! the sweet trivial world around !, the colors of which intoxicate us, bedazzle us, and befool us, sometimes.
But, it’s sweetness never ends !
Gossips and rumors hold a special place in our social life. There are meet-ups, inner, and hidden in some culture, where bantering and buffoonery constitute the chief pleasure of life. What to life where you are not ditched by someone, where you have not been the subject of stories of envy and jealousies, where you have not wasted time by listening exaggerated sexual exploits of your friends, and where your have not been blamed for something or other by your spouse.
As gravity is not reliable, so we require something to fall on, always. Philosophy helps, but trivialities console. Realities rarely speak for wanton self, fantasies do. We need more than giving meaning to life, more than what we aim or aspire. And that ‘more than’ is there in the life we are going through. Tasting something of it is inevitable.
This needs not to suggest trivialities are good or bad; trivialities are inevitable. Be forthcoming in enjoying your pack-of-absurdities in life.