Essay, IDEA

Sense and Decency

Having Sense is the mark of life and Decency emblematizes maturity. And, it is decided how we feel and think.

There are times for emotions and there is particular geography of reason. There are moments when our feelings rescue us, and there are times when we cannot sail across the sea of our emotions. Notwithstanding our natural propensities, we remain tormented between emotion and reason. We can’t dictate self to be reasonable when the situation is evocative already. And when we have not muscled our brain in reason, how can our mind be switched towards a harder part of thinking.

We can’t succeed by just wishing a success where we need to reason our problems. We can’t go beyond realities of the context we have to wrestle through with just sheer force of emotions. On the contrary, we can’t unlock our inner potential by just reasoning or planning. We have to ignite passion and emotive energy inside us. Our emotional self will push us towards new boundaries of our consciousness.

So, there are lands of reasons, and there are lands of emotions.

At theory, it looks fine. The trick comes into play when we wrestle through life, a real-life, a mundane life. Where to be emotionally intelligent and when to be rationally sound? Do we human can customize the right balance of emotion and reason? Does not it look a robotic enterprise? We human automate our existence with fascinating robustness and ease. Our mind may think in bits sometimes, but its thought-processing is a continuous affair. Our emotions are integral to our organic existence. In most of the time, our emotions control us, and not the vice-versa.

Out of this delicate balance of reason and emotion emerges basic elements of Sense and Decency. Are we reasoning where there is need to reason? Are we responding reason to a violent emotive situation? And, are we reinforcing positive emotions? This implies we do have a sense of things. And when we are responding to an emotional situation (like responding to tantrums of a child) with thick reason, we are spoiling precious neurons of us. Like when a hug can do a miracle, why there is a need to deliver a 30-minute lecture. Hence, the sense of situation saves us a lot of energy and time.

Quite often, I see, in my communities, people are not more than an emotional grenade. You just touch a subject, and here they start exploding. This is threatening for people who think, reason and value critical thinking. They can’t play on the emotive battleground as good as their contenders can. Most of the time, in our communities, people lose their sense of balance when it comes to religion and politics.

Similarly, Decency comes into play when we have developed the right balance of emotional intelligence and rational thinking. And it takes the whole of us in automating Sense and Decency in us.

We can be decent with a person or decent with a violent situation. We can develop a sense of complexities of life and we can also build a sense of struggle and survival. We are sentient beings and senses are integral to our experiences of living. What we need is to reason our senses and to read our emotions. Though the greater part of that comes from our DNA and upbringing, the openness of mind has its own ways of influencing us.

In many ways, our rational and emotive self translates into sense and decency we exhibit in our lives.

8 thoughts on “Sense and Decency”

  1. Rimsha Hussain says:

    Jazakillah Sir. It is a source of inspiration especially for me.👍👍👍

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      I am humbled.
      Stay blessed dear

    2. Ghulam Mustafa says:

      You are really a true observer, thinker and sense of understanding about societal behvaiours. Inspirationl for us.

  2. Muhammad Akram says:

    It’s really. Astonishing… Mr.Baig.. Your blogs.. Sparking… A.. Secret admirer.. For u.. In me

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Thanks for your appreciation.
      Do you know what I require? A constant feedback from friends like you @Muhammad Akram

  3. Mamoon Kareem says:

    You have beautifully converted your thoughts on our emotional, as well as, rational beings. You are absolutely right one should have a sense of where to use them and how to strike balance between them in different circumstances of your life. Kudos for putting your thoughts into words for us.

    1. Basri Sattar says:

      “The openness of mind has its own ways.”
      Amazing and inspiring words. Jazak Allah
      Thank you sir

  4. Basri Sattar says:

    Thought provoking words indeed

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