Essay, IDEA

Conceited Minds

To err is human, to brag is conceited mind !!

We human are funny in many ways; we employ a number of ways to be non-human. Conceit is one of that, lies hidden deep in our souls, and tricks us to be an unoriginal self.

We are human as long as we accept that we are to err. By the same token of being human, we can mistake, can catch fallacies, and can commit wrongdoings. Maybe, we are strong in some sense, but our strength is not permanent; we hold some unique talent, but even then, we lack in many other crucial areas. We are physically stern and hardy; still, we are emotionally fragile. Our strength does relate to some material realities- wealth, political power, connection- but this does not turn us into a god.

But, man has always been innovative in circumventing his weaknesses. And, here they sow the seed of conceit in the deep recesses of the mind. When that sapling of conceit grows and starts spreading in the cerebral vicinity, it gradually grips the grower. The harvest comes in the form of excessive self-pride and bragging. Resultantly, the conceited mind thinks himself someone special and person of great worth and virtue.

Therefore, the greater the conceit, the lesser the human virtues. And, conceited souls gradually start turning towards becoming gods- free from weaknesses and faults. Nevertheless, they remain footed in the land-of-human, but their minds turn towards the land-of-fancy-and-conceit. They turn away from the realities of life. They exaggerate every bit of skills they have; they report highly of their political connections; they brag about their wealth, and they narrate anecdotes of their heroic exploits.

Where does this conceit come from? Maybe, each of us craves to become a hero- a legendry hero, perhaps, who should be remembered for long. Maybe, we get bored so early and so easily in the role of an ordinary human. Maybe, the word ‘ordinary’ does not sound appealing to us. Or, maybe we all secretly wish to be god- full of power, and free from any weakness and fault.

In an ignorant society, the conceit is more like a virus. It spreads from one person to another and soon the whole of community comes under its grip. At least, at the level of thinking, holding conceit makes a person great, powerful, and unerring. Patriarchy and the ensuing cruelty stem from this state of living in conceit.

Though, minds full of conceit is the common mental attitude of the larger part of our society. The similar was said by former Supreme Court Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa that we are a nation of conceit and wishful thinking. Nevertheless, I witness the excessive display of conceit whenever I used to sit with my people, in my community, in my bethak, and in gossip with my fellows. I realize that the minds of the greater majority of us are diseased with this undue self-pride. Unfortunately, the display of conceited ego is in a display more in rural communities than in urban areas.

How to get rid of this mental disease? Historically, It is proven that education is the best antidote to conceit and ignorance. An appropriate dose of knowledge and openness of mind can help us abrade this mental habit. As they say ‘ chain is as strong as its weakest link’; we human are as strong as our limitations. Our strength lies in accepting our limitations and putting efforts to extend our strengths beyond our limitations.

Our pride lies in knowing who we are than hiding our limitations and exaggerating the bit of strength or skill do we possess.

Mind it, having self-pride is not all bad. It feels assuring to have self-confidence. However, perceiving ourselves to be something to be powerful beyond our human limitation is not self-confidence. Every killer thinks he is stronger enough to take the life of anyone whom he perceives weak and vulnerable. Every patriarch perceives himself so powerful that he can think on behalf of so many people- his family members or followers.

Next time, when you encounter a conceited person, ask himself

Are you a god and not human ?

If he says no I am a human. Then, you should politely request him to behave as humans do. However, if he appropriates himself a god. Then, please stay away from that self-proclaimed god. As history informs us that even prophets could not withstand the encounter of God, how could we poor human do?

24 thoughts on “Conceited Minds”

  1. Sami Ullah Saif says:

    (Anthropomorphism (playing god)) This is a great topic to talk about

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Dear Sami Ullah Saif
      Thanks for comment and compliment
      Yes, the topic concerns anthropomorphism and its consequences on human society in some ways.

    2. Rao Javaid says:

      Respected Sir!
      You’ve really done your best in this regard. This topic is really comprehensive one which needs to be discussed. Hope you’ll write more interesting essay in future.
      Best wishes!

      1. Yaseen Baig says:

        Dear Rao Javed
        Thanks for your interest and your feedback is appreciable.

  2. Rimsha Hussain says:

    Superb👍👍👍. Conceited mind is like a barrier in Learning.
    A true virtuous man???
    Yes.You will never feel yourself inferior with him.

    1. Aqsakhan says:

      Outstnading Conceited

      1. Yaseen Baig says:

        Dear Aqsa
        Good to see you people reading and interacting.
        This site is for you people to read and have some understanding of the issues concern self of us.

        I hope you enjoy reading.

    2. M Usama Hussain says:

      Conceited minds deceive themlselves.

      1. Yaseen Baig says:

        Dear Usama Hussain

        Thanks for your reading and commenting.
        Yes, you are right. Conceited attitude is a kind of self-delusion

    3. Yaseen Baig says:

      Dear Rimsha Hussain
      Thanks for your comment and compliment.

      I believe there is no virtue greater than accepting that we are human and we can make mistakes.
      When you accept yourself as you are. You don’t take yourself superior or inferior to someone else.
      You are just yourself.

    4. Muhammad Ansar says:

      Its an outstanding essay to draw the chaotic edges of vanity. Pardon me to append a charm to this cerebral attempt.
      Conceit was the fundamental conflict between Man and Devil. Now, Man is intensively labeling himself with being Conceited.

      1. Yaseen Baig says:

        Thanks, dear Ansar
        I got a nice comment from one of my reader that man can enhance his stature without being conceited. And it emerges when he
        accepts the reality of himself and other fellow beings.

  3. Rimsha Urooj says:

    Great 👍👍👍👍

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Dear Rimsha Urooj

      Thanks for visiting my site and reading.
      I hope you people have enjoyed it. Let me know your feedback on how can I improve it and make it reader-friendly.

  4. Elària Ælish says:

    Yup this is devastating problem of our society…
    One reason is male dominance over women in our society due to our false societal norms …
    The minds of the males are prepared in such way from childhood by most of the parents and they think that they are the lord of the family ..
    Lack of education also a major reason..however some educated peole also have concieted minds on the base of their wealth power , status … SomeHow this is the fault of our brain structure naturally.

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Dear Elaria
      I believe this is not restricted to male-dominance.
      We as a society exhibit a sort of conceited attitude. Maybe, we are still living with our slave mindset.

      1. Elària Ælish says:

        I think the ratio of males with this behaviour is higher as compared to females ..according to my observation around my environment ..
        However on the other hand you are right this is not only restricted to one party ..yup we are living with slave mindest…

      2. Basri Sattar says:

        Yes sir , conceited minds are the chains and I think this is our weakness in fact.

        1. Yaseen Baig says:

          Thanks, Dear Basri Sattar
          Conceited minds are more like a barrier in learning, obstacles in our growth, a kind of delusion we often remain engaged
          Thanks for your comment and reading.

  5. Muhammad Akram says:

    Yes.. Mr.. Baig.. It’s really good to express.. these kind of personality disorder… Mostly the people don’t have…. True and real consideration of life… and have emotional dilemma.. to.. Which they react.. In the form of conciet.. Majority of them escape from the… Reality of life… Make fancies… And are content with these.. Charles Cooley.. Says.. People around us.. Are like a glass.. We seek reflection of them in our selves… This is the main obstacle in.. Kids socialization… Our kids are reluctant to take.. Conceited mind… as a reference group and they don’t have alternative also…

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Thanks, Dear Muhammad Akram
      I am thankful for the insight you have shared here regarding kids socialization. The society we inhabit is not an ideal one and it is
      sad that the people whom we are following quite often are not the right people to follow.
      We should come clean of our conceits and let’s give our kid something different to follow.

  6. Usman DGK says:

    It’s quite wonderful and a delight to read it, every line is enriched with demonstrating knowledge.

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Thanks dear Usman.
      I appreciate your feedback and comment.

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