On Resilience

Self-inspiration is not a bad idea. But it should spring from the heart than to utter from the tongue. In the world we live, adversity is the norm and resilience is the exception. We tend to conform to the norms than to respond in exception. Therefore, resilience is easier said than done. As resilience is stubbornness, but not every stubbornness is resilience.

Acting resilience tests a few vital values of us: faith, integrity, and capacity to learn through experiences. Do we mean what we say or what we say we mean? Are we honest with the image of our own- an image of a person who is steadfast in the face of difficulties? Do we have a mental schema that allows us to learn in the time of adversity?

There is one lesson: learning is part of the process.

Living through life does correspond to experience. But, does this necessarily mean learning? Experiencing adversity does not necessarily mean getting wise. Wisdom may flow out of adversity if we chose to learn. If it happens, we will be better in our acts of resilience. And when resilience ends in wisdom, it invariably creates a better class of resilience out of it.

2 thoughts on “On Resilience”

  1. Elària Ælish says:

    Somehow Resilience is a natural property within an Individual who really want to learn from each of thier experiences Those may be bad or good..if a Person has abiliity of determination surely he’ll stand up in his /her life instead of any adversity..
    On the other hand some people are opposite to that naturally..

    1. Yaseen Baig says:

      Thanks, Dear Elaria
      I always learn from your comments and feedback.

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